In my futile attempt to put you by my side, I lose you. The sand, so white, so fine, its falling through the channel. Just a minute, they've completely landed on the other side. Come to me! All i have to do, is to turn it over, and i'll have another minute with you. They might be a minute of silence, but i'd imagine its eternity. I'd imagine your head against mine, your hand in mine. I'd imagine we're falling through space...and i'll continue to imagine...
My elation comes from your soul. Keep it a secret, will you? i'll tell you mine, and you shall tell me yours. My lips, they're turning upwards, my heart yearns to shout out to you, its not shut anymore. Can you hear me talking to you? Like the dove searching for a leaf in the flood, can you search for my feelings in the vast ocean, even if it is to you a grain of sand, it is actually as beautiful as the mother-of-pearl, as huge as the gentle whale.
That is my secret. What is yours? Would it be the same as mine?
But everytime my outstretched arms look forward to welcoming you as you approach, i'd tightly grasp the empty gust of wind before me. You're already behind me, never turning back. Looking at you striding confidently, i'll shrink and wilt, because i'm not your confidence. You never look back...Did you let off a gentle whisper? never, never, never...
Into a neverending passage of obscurity i'm being hurled off to, twisting, turning, swirling. Swirling, swirling, swirling...
Hear me
Hear me
You gotta be out there
You gotta be somewhere
Wherever you are
I'm waiting
Cause there are these nights when
I sing myself to sleep
And I'm hoping in my dreams
Bring you close to me
Are you listening?
Hear me,
I'm cryin' out
I'm ready now
Turn my world upside down
Find me
I'm lost inside the crowd
It's getting loud
I need you to see
I'm screaming for you to please
Hear me
Hear me
Hear me
Can you hear me?
Hear me
part two of the story! anybody can give me suggestions on how i should continue it? And i'm sorry its so mushy, its my first love story of any sort so i might just over do it HAHA. i'm already rolling around the floor, not able to believe i've just written something like that, can you hear me? Song is "Hear me" by kelly clarkson.
Right, i love school again. because its Fri-day today! -looks at riane-
we eat fries at macdonalds everyday friday after choir, with LOADS of sauces. The people at the counter always give me the same reaction:
laugh hysterically.
The guy from last week, he laughed at me even when i was ALREADY on my seat.
The girl today, she laughed and thought i'm crazy.
But riane and i both love sauces. we do :D
How to make people at macs laugh:
1) go to the counter and say "may i please have sweet chilli, garlic chilli, tomato, curry and sweet and sour sauce?" and then laugh about it yourself, and the person will start laughing!
2) go to the counter and say "may i have ALL the sauces?", when the person dumps them at you, you laugh at yourself because you find it highly amusing. I'm sure she'll go ROFL.
Everybody knows shopkeepers won't forget me, because i have that Y-factor. -looks at kaiying-
i'm happy i got 18/20 for bio! but then again, alot of people got 18 and the highest was 19 and the lowest was only 14, so its no big deal at all. sigh, lets hope i do well for other subjects! :D
I'm happy! :D
tagreplies tskk, so spoiler LOL xD
isabel: no mine didnt get sick it died. okay haha im trying to revive ur blog..
isabel: cause now is 'o'level and duh people are studying so i guess there's no one to see ur beautiful posts but me
isabel: but i dont like tmt aka tnt (ur lovely pe teacher) can tell you why if u ask me.
isabel: but you should come to my class and see the *lovely* drawing wanting did for mr poh
isabel: and i'd love to be ur study partner! if you're free, that is.
{D: so sad. okay thanks LOL. okay i'll post abit less then. tnt is nice! and HAHA i think it looks EXACTLY like poh :D okay, be my study partner!}
anna: HAHAH i think i'm the only one that think shz is actually interesting omg i must be crazy
{yes, annalim must be crazy! HAHAHA. no la, its okay if you read it, but not for a test! D: but annalim is still crazy

kaiying: i agree!
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